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Lead author publications:
Ankur Srivastava (2025). Can terrestrial rivers impact sub-seasonal to seasonal climate variability?”. WCRP Earth System Modelling and Observations (ESMO). (2025). ESMO Brief - ESMO Newsletter #1. ESMO, Hamburg, Germany
Ankur Srivastava, Suryachandra A. Rao, Subimal Ghosh (2024). Impact of river freshwater on subseasonal to seasonal variability in a climate model Research activities in Earth system modelling. Working Group on Numerical Experimentation. WCRP Report No.12/2024. WMO, Geneva.
Ankur Srivastava, Suryachandra A. Rao and Subimal Ghosh (2023). Improving the subseasonal variability of the Indian summer monsoon in a climate model. International Journal of Climatology.
Ankur Srivastava, Suryachandra A. Rao and Subimal Ghosh (2023). Bay of Bengal upper-ocean stratification and the sub-seasonal variability in convection: Role of rivers in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Special issue of Mausam, 74, 2 (April, 2023), Fifth Volume of the book series, The Global Monsoon System.
Ankur Srivastava, Suryachandra A. Rao and Subimal Ghosh (2022). Impact of riverine freshwater on Indian Summer Monsoon: Coupling a runoff routing model to a global seasonal forecast model. Frontiers in Climate.
Ankur Srivastava, The Indian Summer Monsoon: Exploring the role of River run-off (2022) . Ph.D. Thesis. The Interdisciplinary Programme (IDP) in Climate Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India. Advisors: Dr. Suryachandra A. Rao and Prof. Subimal Ghosh.
Ankur Srivastava, Rao, S.A., Pradhan, M., Pillai, P.A. and Prasad, V.S., 2020. Gain of one-month lead time in seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon prediction: comparison of initialization strategies. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Ankur Srivastava, Maheswar Pradhan, B. N. Goswami and Suryachandra A. Rao (2017). Regime shift of Indian summer monsoon rainfall to a persistent arid state: external forcing versus internal variability. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics.
Ankur Srivastava, Rao, Suryachandra A., Rao, D. Nagarjuna; George, G., Pradhan, M. (2017). Structure, Characteristics and Simulation of Monsoon low-pressure systems in CFSv2 coupled model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Ankur Srivastava, M. Pradhan, G. George, A. Dhakate, K. Salunke, and S. A. Rao (2015), A Research Report on the 2015 Southwest Monsoon, pp. 58–62, Indian Inst. of Trop. Meteorol., Pune, India.
Co-authored publications:
Maheswar Pradhan, Ankur Srivastava, Suryachandra A. Rao (2024). Soil Moisture Feedback over Wet vs. Arid Regions of India”. Working Group on Numerical Experimentation. WCRP Report No.12/2024. WMO, Geneva.
Ashish Alone, Ankur Srivastava, Maheswar Pradhan (2024). Enhancing Extreme Rainfall Forecasting Through Machine Learning Techniques”. Working Group on Numerical Experimentation. WCRP Report No.12/2024. WMO, Geneva.
Bhowmik, M., Hazra, A., Srivastava, A. et al. Improved Indian Summer Monsoon rainfall simulation: the significance of reassessing the autoconversion parameterization in coupled climate model. Climate Dynamics (2024).
P. M. Dhage, A. Srivastava, S. A. Rao, A. Soni, and M. Pradhan (2024). Applicability of seasonal forecasts from dynamical models for reservoir management practices, Mausam, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 559–572 .
Keane, R. J., Srivastava, A., and Martin, G. M (2024): Development of Indian summer monsoon precipitation biases in two seasonal forecasting systems and their response to large-scale drivers, Weather and Climate Dynamics (accepted), EGUsphere [preprint], 2023.
Jain, D., Rao, S. A., Dandi, R. A., Pillai, P. A., Srivastava, A., Pradhan, M., and Gangadharan, K. V. (2024): Monsoon Mission Coupled Forecast System version 2.0: model description and Indian monsoon simulations , Geosci. Model Dev.
Gade, S. V., Sreenivas, P., Rao, S. A., Srivastava, Ankur, & Pradhan, M. Impact of the Ensemble Kalman Filter based Coupled Data Assimilation System on Seasonal Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall. Geophysical Research Letters
Pillai, P. A., Rao, S. A., Kiran, V. G., Pradhan, M., Srivastava, Ankur, & Jain, D. K. Impact of Reduced ENSO Variability and Amplitude on ISMR prediction in the long‐lead forecasts of Monsoon Mission CFS. International Journal of Climatology
Pradhan, M., Srivastava, Ankur, Rao, S. A., Banerjee, D. S., Chatterjee, A., Francis, P. A., Sreejith, O. P., Gupta, M. das, & Prasad, V. S. (2021). Are ocean-moored buoys redundant for prediction of Indian monsoon? Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
Pradhan, M., Rao, S. A., Doi, T., Pillai, P. A., Srivastava, Ankur, & Behera, S. (2021). Comparison of MMCFS and SINTEX‐F2 for seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall. International Journal of Climatology, 41(13), 6084–6108
Martin, G., Gupta, A., Keane, R., Levine, R., Mitra, A., Rodriguez, J., & Srivastava, Ankur (2022). Progress report on identifying drivers of errors in the SASM simulation in different configurations of MetUM and CFS models at a range of timescales.
Ineson, S., Martin, G., Sexton, D., & Srivastava, Ankur (2022). Report progress on sensitivity of ENSO- and IOD-monsoon teleconnections to model physics and resolution in MetUM and CFS configurations.
Das, R. S., Rao, S. A., Prasanth, Pillai, A., Srivastava, Ankur, Pradhan, M., Dandi, Ramu, A. (2022). Why coupled general circulation models overestimate the ENSO and Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) relationship? Climate Dynamics
Prasad, K. B. R. R. H., D. A. Ramu, S. A. Rao, S. N. Hameed, D. Samanta, and A. Srivastava (2021). Reducing Systematic Biases Over the Indian Region in CFS V2 by Dynamical Downscaling. Earth Sp. Sci.
Pradhan, M., Rao, S.A. & Srivastava, A. (2021). Factors responsible for consecutive deficit Indian monsoons during 2014 and 2015. Theor Appl Climatol
Pillai, P.A., Rao, S.A., Srivastava, A.. Ramu D.A., Pradhan M., Das R.S. (2021). Impact of the tropical Pacific SST biases on the simulation and prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall in CFSv2, ECMWF-System4, and NMME models. Clim Dyn
Gill Martin, Ankur Srivastava, Susmitha Joseph, Rajib Chattopadhay, José Rodriguez, Michael Vellinga, Richard Levine, Sean Milton, Maheswar Pradhan, Suryachandra A. Rao: Progress report on common and differing characteristics between modelling systems, with priority for future process study. WCSSP-India Deliverable D2.1.1, July 2019.
Suryachandra A. Rao, A. K. Sahai, P. Mukhopadhyay, R. Nanjundiah, A. Hazra, S. Mahapatra, S. K. Saha, H. S. Chaudhari, S. Joseph, S. Pentakota, S. Pokhrel, P. A. Pillai, R. Chattopadhyay, M. Deshpande, R. P. M. Krishna, S. Panickal, R. Krishnan, S. Kumar, D. A Ramu, A. Arora, T. Goswami, A. Rai, Ankur Srivastava, M. Pradhan, S. Tirkey, M. Ganai, R. Mandal, A. Dey, S. Sarkar, S. Malviya, A. Dhakate, K. Salunke (2019). Monsoon mission a targeted activity to improve monsoon prediction across scales. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc.
Krishna, R. P. M., S. A. Rao, A. Srivastava, H. P. Kottu, M. Pradhan, P. Pillai, R. A. Dandi, and C. T. Sabeerali (2019). Impact of convective parameterization on the seasonal prediction skill of Indian summer monsoon. Clim. Dyn.
Rao SA, Pillai PA, Pradhan M, Srivastava A (2019) Seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon in India: The past, the present and the future. Mausam, Vol 70, Issue 2
Arora, Anika, Suryachandra A. Rao, Prasanth Pillai, Ashish Dhakate, Kiran Salunke, and Ankur Srivastava (2018). Assessment of prediction skill in equatorial Pacific Ocean in high resolution model of CFS. Climate Dynamics
Pradhan, Maheswar, A. Suryachandra Rao, Ankur Srivastava, Ashish Dakate, Kiran Salunke, and K. S. Shameera (2017). Prediction of Indian Summer-Monsoon Onset Variability: A Season in Advance. Scientific Reports
Pradhan, M., Yadav, R. K., Ramu Dandi, A., Srivastava, A., Phani, M. K. and Rao, S. A. (2017). Shift in MONSOON–SST teleconnections in the tropical Indian Ocean and ENSEMBLES climate models’ fidelity in its simulation. Int. J. Climatol.
D.S. Pai, O. P. Sreejith, A. Suryachandra Rao, Arti Bandgar, Kailas Sonawane, Madhuri Musale, Ankur Srivastava, Maheswar Pradhan, Gibies George and Ashish Dhakate, 2017. Operational and experimental long range forecasts, Monsoon 2016, A Report, IMD Met Monograph: No.: ESSO/IMD/Synoptic Met./01(2017)/21, Eds. P.C.S. Rao, D. S. Pai and M. Mohapatra, published by National Climate Centre, India Meteorological Department, Pune- 411 005, India. Available online at
George, Gibies, D. Nagarjuna Rao, C. T. Sabeerali, Ankur Srivastava, and Suryachandra A. Rao (2015). Indian Summer Monsoon Prediction and Simulation in CFSv2 Coupled Model.” Atmospheric Science Letters
Ramu, D.A., C.T. Sabeerali, Rajib Chattopadhyay, D. Nagarjuna Rao, Gibies George, A.R. Dhakate, K. Salunke, Ankur Srivastava, and Suryachandra A. Rao (2016). “Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall Simulation and Prediction Skill in the CFSv2 Coupled Model: Impact of Atmospheric Horizontal Resolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.